MIC | Streaming video

MIC | Streaming video

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 1
A streaming video of MIC will be available in real time during October 21/22, here on moodlemoot.it


Lo streaming video del MIC sarà disponibile in tempo reale durante le due giornate (21/22 ottobre), qui su moodlemoot.it

In reply to Deleted user

Re: MIC | Streaming video

by Deleted user -
If you have problems with streaming video, you can also:

- download VLC media player (it's free: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/)
- install it and then open File--->open network flow---> and insert in RTSP this line: rtsp://
- type OK and enjoy the video ammiccante

se avete problemi con lo streaming video, potete in alternativa fare così:

- scaricate VLC media player (è free, http://www.videolan.org/vlc/)
- installatelo e aprite File--->apri flusso di rete---> e inserite nel campo RTSP questo indirizzo: rtsp://
- cliccate OK e buon video ammiccante